Category: Energy Efficiency

Discover The Benefits Of Window Film Before You Buy

Solar Window Film (1)

Does your home or workplace have an area where the sun creates a lot of glare and heat gain? If that area is your office or your living room where you spend much of your time, this can be a real challenge. Temperatures can become uncomfortable, TV and computer screens can be obstructed, and you…

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Coming Up With the Green to Go Green

billion dollar green challenge logo

More and more organizations are looking to improve energy efficiency within their buildings, but unfortunately, they rarely have the finances to complete these projects. If you’re wondering how to fund your next green building project, consider joining forces with other like-minded institutions in the Billion Dollar Green Challenge. A Revolving Door of Green Funding In…

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Facility Managers Seeking Green Upgrades


Commercial buildings are the world’s leading energy consumers and are responsible for more than 40 percent of the pollution in the environment. To get this under control, facility managers and property management companies are looking for ways to make their buildings more sustainable.   A building’s energy systems can undergo high-efficiency updates, and the occupants…

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A Window Tint adds Portland flair!

With so many styles and options available these days, having a window tint professionally installed throughout your Portland home or office can do so much more than perform a practical service alone. Yes, a window tint can stop those ruinous UV rays from beating into your building all day long, keeping your expensive furniture and…

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Window tints will keep your Portland Summer cool!

We may not see the most extreme temperatures here in Portland, Oregon but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t get HOT when summer rolls in.  Many home and business owners are forced to make the difficult decision between the comfort of air conditioning and its high cost, or fanning the sweat off of their foreheads with…

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Best Portland Window Tinting for Your Home

Portland window tinting is more common than you might realize, and it has more benefits than you might realize.  You wear sunglasses outside.  Your car has tinted windows.  But you may not have considered tinting the windows in your home.  Window tinting is good for your eyes, your belongings, and your energy bill.  And the…

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Commercial Window Tint Portland

Commercial Window Tinting – it’s not just for homes or cars anymore, you can obtain great advantages by getting your building or commercial property window tinted.  As a matter of fact, we have a wider variety of commercial window tint products and services available to our commercial window tinting customers, moreso than other segments of…

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Why Tint Your Home Windows in Oregon?

Oregon Window Tinting can be examined based on different criteria depending on the goals of the property owner, in this case, a homeowner. One Oregon window tint might provide higher heat reduction, while another Oregon window tint might provide more privacy. Oregon Window tints possess several beneficial qualities, but there can be a trade-off. Knowing how to…

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